Serving In The Workplace

In the book How to Be the Greatest in God’s Kingdom, a quote from Serving in the Workplace says, “They (employer) should not have to look after the company when you are around. When you are on the job, the boss or owner should be able to sleep at night. They should know that you will do your job and take care of the company as well or better than they would. They should be able to leave at a moment’s notice without the company missing a beat. The company should stay on the course of success with you at the helm.”

I thought about that a lot because I used to arrive at work later than everyone else and was usually one of the last ones there. As far as I know, there are no cameras in the office. That means they trusted me not to steal from people’s desks. And if I don’t steal from my co-workers, then I won’t steal from my employer.
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