Trusting God in Times of Uncertainty (Video)

A recession is an economic crisis that usually lasts for a couple of years. It can result in job loss, increase in cost of living, and a decrease in stock market values. 

Many people are worried about the potential effects of a recession, especially if they have recently lost their job or are concerned about losing their job in the near future. 

However, it is important to remember that God is in control and He will provide for His children. He has promised to never leave us or forsake us, and He will never let us be tempted beyond what we can handle.

 If we trust Him and lean on Him during this time, He will see us through.

Grow Up

For most of us, the default mode is to be on the receiving end. We go through life taking advantage of the generosity of others – whether it’s our parents, our friends, or society at large. And there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s natural to want to be cared for and nurtured. 

But at some point, we must grow up and give back. It’s time to transition from being the one who needs help to being the one who provides it.

Think about all the people in your life who have helped you – how they were there for you in times of trouble, lent a listening ear when you needed to talk, or simply made you feel loved and supported. Now it’s your turn to return the favor.

Be the friend that others can rely on. Be the shoulder to cry on. Be the one who makes a difference in someone’s life. 

It’s time to stop being the person who needs to be ministered to and start being the ministering one.

Negative Experiences (Video)

It’s easy to dwell on the negative experiences from the day before and allow them to color our perception of the present. However, holding a grudge only ends up hurting ourselves. 

Not only does it prevent us from enjoying the present moment, but it also takes up valuable mental energy that could be better spent elsewhere. If we want to make the most of each new day, we must let go of the negativity from the day before.

Instead of dwelling on what went wrong, we should take a moment to appreciate what went right. By letting go of our grudges, we can free ourselves to live more fully in the present.

God's Book of Promise

The Bible contains verses that offer hope, encouragement, and comfort. No matter what you're facing in life, there is a promise from God that can speak to your situation. 

If you're struggling with burnout, for example, you can cling to the promise that "he gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak" (Isaiah 40:29). Or, if you're feeling insecure about your future, you can find comfort in Psalm 46:10, which says, "Be still, and know that I am God." 

Whatever you're facing today, know that there is a powerful promise from God that can help you get through it. 

So start your day by reading a few of these verses and letting their truths sink into your heart. Then go out and face the day with confidence, knowing that God is with you every step of the way.

Why Does It Matter What Other People Think?

Getting caught up in what other people think about us is easy. We compare ourselves to others and try to measure up, whether in our clothes, accomplishments, or personal lives. 

But what does it really matter what other people think? Their opinions are fleeting and often based on their own baggage and insecurities. The only opinion that really matters is God's. He knows us inside and out, and He loves us unconditionally. His opinion is the only one that counts. 

So instead of worrying about what other people think, focus on pleasing God, seek His approval and let Him be your guide. 

When you do that, everything else will fall into place.

The People of Our Past (Video)

Everyone has a past. Some people's pasts are more complicated than others, but everyone has experienced hurt, pain, and heartache. These things are a part of life, but they don't have to define who we are. Our past can be a stepping stone to becoming the person we were meant to be. 

The people in our past serve a purpose in our lives, even if we don't realize it at the time. They help shape and mold us into the people we are supposed to be. Without them, we would be missing an essential piece of our puzzle.

So next time you're feeling down about your past, remember that it has made you into the strong, amazing person you are today. 

And for that, you should be grateful.

When You Are Stuck in a Rut (Video)

It's easy to feel like you're stuck in a rut when things are tough. You may feel like you've been dealt a bad hand and that there's nothing good that can come out of your current situation. 

But it's important to remember that even in the darkest of times, there is always some light at the end of the tunnel. Things may be challenging right now, but eventually, they will improve. 

And when you look back on this time, you'll see just how much strength and resilience you've gained. So hold on tight - better days are coming.

Stand for Righteousness (Video)

Righteousness does not always come easy. In a world where fitting in and being popular is often seen as more important than being kind or doing what is right, it can be difficult to stand up for your beliefs. 

However, it is always better to stand for righteousness, even if it means being unpopular. You show integrity and courage when you do what is right, even if it isn't popular. People may not always agree with you, but they will respect you for staying true to your convictions. 

In addition, by taking a stand for righteousness, you may inspire others to do the same. So even though it isn't always easy, remember that it is always better to stand for righteousness over popularity.