Have You Ever Wanted to Give Up Following Jesus?

Following Jesus is a challenging road. It requires sacrifice, patience, and perseverance to keep the faith alive. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we may feel like giving up on our journey of faith. This is understandable, especially when we face challenges, doubts, and struggles. But before we throw in the towel, it is essential to remember why we started following Jesus in the first place. 

In this blog post, we will explore why you may have wanted to give up following Jesus and provide some insights and encouragement to help you stay the course.

You Feel Discouraged by Your Mistakes and Failures

As human beings, we are not perfect and are bound to make mistakes and fail occasionally. However, as followers of Christ, we may beat ourselves up when we fall short of God's standards. It can make us feel like we need to be better or be making progress in our faith. If you have ever felt this way, remember that God's love and mercy are greater than your mistakes and failures. Jesus came to save us from our sins and to give us a new life in Him. Therefore, do not let your mistakes and failures define you or hinder your growth in Christ.

You Are Overwhelmed by Life's Challenges and Pressures

Life can be tough and throw curveballs that shake our faith in God. Whether financial struggles, relationship problems, health issues, or other challenges, we may feel like giving up on our faith. Remembering that God is with us in our struggles and can use them to refine us and strengthen our faith is crucial. Whenever you feel overwhelmed by life's challenges, pray to God and seek His wisdom, guidance, and peace.

You Are Tempted by the World's Pleasures and Distractions

The world offers many attractions that can distract us from our relationship with God. Whether it is material possessions, power, fame, or other worldly pleasures, we may be tempted to indulge ourselves and forget about God. If you have ever felt distracted or lured by the world's temptations, remember that they are temporary and fleeting. Only God's love, truth, and grace can satisfy our souls and give us eternal life. Therefore, seek His kingdom and righteousness first; all these things will be added to you.

You Are Confused or Distrustful of God's Plan and Purpose

Sometimes, we may not understand why God allows certain things to happen in our lives or the world. We may feel angry, confused, or doubtful about His plan and purpose and may be tempted to turn away from Him. However, the Bible assures us that God's ways are higher than ours, and His thoughts are higher than ours. He sees the big picture and knows what is best for us, even when we cannot comprehend it. Therefore, trust Him with all your heart and lean not on your understanding.

You Are Tired of Being Different from Others and Facing Criticism

Finally, following Jesus may make us stand out from the crowd and face criticism or rejection from others who do not share our faith. It can be exhausting and disheartening to feel like you do not belong or are seen as weird or foolish. However, remember that Jesus Himself faced similar opposition and rejection, and He promised that we would also face persecution and tribulation in this world. Nevertheless, He also promised to always be with us and give us the strength and courage to overcome the world's hate.

Following Jesus is not always easy, but it is worth it. He offers us forgiveness, hope, joy, and eternal life. Whenever you feel like giving up on your faith journey, remember that you are not alone and that God loves you unconditionally. Seek His presence, read His Word, fellowship with other believers, and serve Him with your heart, soul, mind, and strength. 

Always trust in His grace and love regardless of your challenges or struggles. He will never leave or forsake you and will lead you to victory.

The Fruits of the Spirit: A True Reflection of Christianity in a Person's Life

Being a Christian is not just limited to attending church or reading the Bible. True Christianity goes beyond that. It is more of a state of being reflected in one's character and actions. This is where the fruits of the Spirit come in as an integral part of a Christian's life. In this blog post, we will dive deep into these fruits and how they reveal true Christianity in a person's life.

The fruits of the Spirit are found in Galatians 5:22-23, which states, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things, there is no law." These fruits reflect the character of God, and as Christians, we are expected to manifest them in our lives.

Love is the first fruit and the greatest of them all. It is the selfless act of caring for others without expecting anything. Joy follows, the feeling of contentment and happiness from knowing Christ. Peace is the third fruit, the inner calm and tranquility of trusting God.

Forbearance or patience is the fourth fruit that enables us to wait on God's timing and exercise tolerance towards others. Kindness comes next, which is the act of showing compassion and concern towards others. Goodness is the sixth fruit that reflects the goodness of God in our actions, whether big or small.

Faithfulness is the seventh fruit that enables us to remain steadfast in our beliefs and not falter in adversity. Gentleness follows, which is being considerate and humble towards others. Finally, self-control is the tenth fruit that helps us control our impulses and desires, enabling us to live a disciplined life.

In conclusion, the fruits of the Spirit are crucial to the Christian life as they reflect true Christianity in a person's character and actions. These fruits are necessary to claim to be a true follower of Christ. As we strive to grow in these fruits, it is worth remembering that God produces them through the Holy Spirit. We only need to be willing vessels and let Christ work in us. May we always be reflections of Christ, bearing fruits of the Spirit in our daily lives.

Equip Your Teen With the Tools to Discuss Their Faith Confidently

Faith can be a sensitive topic to discuss with others, especially among teenagers still trying to figure out their beliefs. However, talking about faith can also be incredibly rewarding and help you grow your spirituality. If you're a teenager wanting to learn how to confidently speak about their faith with others, keep reading. Here, we'll be sharing some valuable tips on how to navigate these important conversations.

Know Your Own Faith: The most important thing to remember when discussing faith is that you should know your beliefs. You should explain why you believe in something and what you feel are the most important aspects of your faith. Take time to read and learn about your religion to be confident when discussing it with others.

Respect Others: When discussing faith with others, respecting their beliefs is important, too. Listen carefully to what others say and avoid getting defensive or judgmental. Be open to learning about other religions and ask thoughtful questions. Remember that respect is key to having constructive and meaningful conversations.

Practice Active Listening: Active listening means paying close attention to the person speaking with you and responding thoughtfully. It's important to practice active listening when discussing faith with others, as this will help you build a deeper understanding of their beliefs and values. Ask questions to clarify what you don't understand, and ensure you give the other person your full attention.

Be Prepared for Pushback: Not everyone will agree with your beliefs or be open to discussing faith. Be prepared for pushback or even criticism when engaging in these conversations. It's important to remain calm and respectful, even when the other person is not. Remember that you can still learn from these experiences, even if they don't lead to a productive conversation.

Look for Common Ground: While differences of opinion are inevitable, it's important to look for common ground and shared values. This can bridge the gap between different religions and help people to find common ground. Look for areas where your beliefs align with others and use this as a jumping-off point for further discussion.

Talking about faith can be tricky, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. By following the tips we've discussed, you'll be better equipped to speak about your faith with confidence and respect. Remember to listen carefully, be respectful, and keep an open mind when engaging in these conversations. With practice, you'll become a skilled communicator about faith.

Losing Respect for Someone vs. Losing Faith in Christianity

It is undeniable that there are people who claim to be Christians but act in ways that are contrary to what the Bible teaches. This can be very discouraging and make you question if the faith they claim to practice is worth following. However, it is important to differentiate between losing respect for someone and losing faith in Christianity. Let’s explore the relationship between the two and how we can approach these situations with wisdom and grace.

First and foremost, Christianity is not about following people but following Jesus. Pursuing a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, not the actions of other Christians, truly matters in our faith journey. It is important to remember this truth because people will always fall short, regardless of their religious background, and it is not wise to attach our faith to anyone.

When we encounter someone who calls themselves a Christian but fails to live by the teachings of the Bible, we must recognize that they are human and, therefore, imperfect. It is okay to lose respect for someone’s actions or behavior, even if they claim to follow Christ. However, it is not wise to let that affect our relationship with God or faith. It is important to remember that we are all equal in God’s eyes despite our shortcomings.

It is also important to approach these situations with wisdom and grace. Instead of holding onto bitterness or resentment towards someone, we should strive to love and forgive them, just as God loves and forgives us. We can pray for them and ask God to help them grow in their faith journey. Criticizing or condemning them will only push them further away from God, so it is better to lead by example and let our actions speak louder than our words.

Furthermore, it is important to surround ourselves with a community of believers who share our values and beliefs. This can help us stay accountable and provide support when we encounter difficult situations or people who challenge our faith. We can learn and grow from one another and find comfort that we are not alone in our struggles.

In summary, losing respect for someone does not necessarily mean that we need to lose faith in Christianity. It is important to remember that Christianity is about our relationship with God through Jesus Christ and that we must not let the actions of others define our faith. We must approach these situations with wisdom and grace, love and forgive others, and surround ourselves with a community of believers who can help us grow in our faith. Ultimately, our faith journey is between us and God, and we should strive to focus on that relationship above all else.

The Day of Pentecost

The Day of Pentecost marked a significant moment in the Christian faith, as Christ's disciples were empowered with unprecedented spiritual power. Yet, many of us need to channel this power and hunger for more of what the Lord wants to do in our lives. We lack the desire to seek greater spiritual depth, so we miss out on the transformative power of Pentecost. But it doesn't have to be this way. 

Each of us has the ability to tap into this power, seek out the Lord's will, and embrace the spiritual growth that comes with it. 

With a little faith and a hunger to draw closer to Him, we can experience the same Pentecost power that transformed the early disciples and allow it to change us from the inside out.

Christianity Involves More Than Just Outward Expressions of Faith

Many people today identify as Christians, but it's important to consider what that means. Being a Christian is more than just wearing a cross necklace or attending church on Sundays. It's about having a personal, living relationship with Jesus Christ and striving to follow His teachings daily. 

Unfortunately, many who identify as Christians don't necessarily meet this criteria. They may have some knowledge of Christ, but they don't truly know Him personally. 

In a way, they're just fans of Christianity rather than authentic followers. While there's nothing wrong with being a fan per se, it's important to recognize that it's not the same thing as being a true believer.

Stepping Out in Faith: Trusting God with Your Unknowns

Have you ever been called to do something that felt impossible? Something beyond your capabilities and knowledge left you feeling unequipped and uncertain? Welcome to the life of faith. We live in a world of constant unknowns, where new challenges arise daily, and we can only partially prepare for what lies ahead. But as believers, we have a secret weapon - the power of God to enable us to accomplish what seems impossible. 

This blog explores what stepping out in faith and trusting God with our unknowns means.

What is faith?

The Bible defines faith as "the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1). It's having confidence in what we cannot see and trusting that God is faithful to His promises. But faith isn't just an abstract concept - it requires action. James 2:17-18 says, "Faith by itself if it is not accompanied by action, is dead...Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds." In other words, faith is more than just a mental belief - it's a way of life that requires us to obey God.

Why is stepping out in faith necessary?

When we step out in faith, we demonstrate our trust in God's character and ability to provide for us. It's easy to stay in our comfort zones and rely on our strength and understanding, but true growth and transformation happen when we take risks and trust God with the unknowns. Without faith, it's impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6) because faith is the foundation of our relationship with Him. When we trust God and obey Him, we open ourselves up to receive the blessings He has in store for us.

How can we cultivate faith in our daily lives?

Faith is a muscle that needs to be exercised, and we can strengthen our trust in God in several practical ways. One is to pray and read the Bible, which helps us understand God's character and His will for our lives. Another is to surround ourselves with other believers who can encourage and challenge us to grow in our faith. We can also look back on past experiences where God has come through for us and use those as a reminder of His faithfulness in the present. Finally, we can take small steps of obedience, even when it feels uncomfortable or scary, and trust that God will guide us in the right direction.

What are some examples of stepping out in faith?

There are countless examples of people in the Bible and throughout history who stepped out in faith and saw God do amazing things. Some of these include:

  • Abraham left his home and family to go to a new land that God promised him (Gen. 12:1-4)
  • Moses confronted Pharaoh and led the Israelites out of Egypt (Exodus 3-14)
  • David faced the giant Goliath with only a sling and a stone (1 Samuel 17)
  • Mary said yes to God's plan for her to carry and raise Jesus, despite the cultural and personal risks involved (Luke 1:26-38)

What happens when we fail to step out in faith?

While walking in faith is a blessing, there are consequences to shrinking back in fear. When we refuse to obey God's voice, we miss out on the opportunities He has for us, and our spiritual growth is stunted. In addition, we can become burdened by anxiety and worry, which hinders our ability to trust in God's provision. Finally, we risk being disobedient to His commands and missing out on the blessings of obedience.

Living a life of faith is challenging, but the rewards are immeasurable. As we learn to trust in God's character and step out in obedience, we experience the joy and blessings of walking in His will. 

So, if you're feeling uncertain about what lies ahead, remember that God is with you, and He is faithful. Take a deep breath, step out in faith, and watch what He will do!

Why Christianity will Never be Trendy

In today's society, we live in a world where trends come at lightning speed. From clothes to diets to gadgets, the latest fads keep us engrossed. However, it is essential to remember that our faith should not be perceived as just another trend. Christians must remember that Christianity's essence lies in something much bigger and meaningful than solely following a popular trend. In this blog, we will discuss why Christianity will never be trendy, despite the growing attempts to make it so.

We must first comprehend its foundation to understand why Christianity will never be trendy. Christianity is rooted in the Gospel, a message of love, forgiveness, and redemption. It teaches us to live according to God's principles, to love our neighbor, and to always have faith, even in times of adversity. Unfortunately, the Gospel's values often go against mainstream culture's prevailing ideology, making it hard to reconcile them. As a result, the Gospel's essence does not align with trends that come and go.

Secondly, it is important to realize that the Gospel's values are based on Christ's teachings, who himself was not trying to create a trend or publicize his message to gain acceptance. Instead, he spoke the truth and teachings, preached love, and sacrificed himself for the sake of humanity. Similarly, Christianity is not meant to be just another superficial trend that changes from season to season but rather a way of living through every moment of our lives.

When we try to make Christianity "trendy," we also risk diluting the message. However, as Christians, we're called to spread the Gospel's message in its purest form, not to water it down to make it more trendy. To make Christianity marketable, we may compromise certain aspects of the Gospel, diminishing the actual message. Additionally, we must bear in mind that the Gospel can be challenging to accept for individuals facing their own obstacles and, thus, need to hear the Gospel's message in its most accurate and profound form.

Finally, we must remember that Christianity is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, it is a personal journey of faith and relationship with God. The Gospel's message guides us through our challenges and uncertainties, reminding us to keep our faith and trust in God's plan. As Christians, we must avoid solely following trends and instead remain alert to following the message of the Gospel through self-reflection and staying true to ourselves and our faith.

In conclusion, Christianity is not a trend but rather an essential pillar of our lives. It is something that exists beyond the concepts of cool and trendy. Its foundation lies in authenticity and the deepest aspects of our humanity, encouraging us to live according to God's principles. We must avoid compromising these fundamental values to make Christianity more appealing to the masses. Instead, we should focus on staying true to Christianity's ideals, spreading its message in its purest form, and leading by a godly example. The Gospel's essence does not need to be trendy, as it is timeless and eternal.