Original or Copy?

There's a lot of pressure in society to conform. To be like everyone else. To fit in. But if we're all trying to be the same, where's the room for individual expression? For creativity? For growth? 

God created each of us with unique gifts and talents and has a specific plan for our lives. But if we're too busy trying to be like everyone else, we'll never discover what that plan is. 

Instead, we'll end up living someone else's dream rather than our own. 

So don't be afraid to be different. Don't be afraid to stand out from the crowd. Because it's only when we embrace our uniqueness can we truly become who God has called us to be.

Never Took A Chance

It is often said that success is a matter of opportunity. But while it's true that some people are born into privilege or find themselves in the right place at the right time, many successful people have also overcome difficult odds. 

The man who says he never had a chance never took one. 

So don't be discouraged if you don't have all the advantages in life. Remember, it's not about where you start but where you finish. If you're willing to work hard and seize opportunities, you can achieve anything you want.

Time to Take Charge (Video)

Being a good follower is not about following blindly but the courage to step up and lead when the time is right. 

God often calls on His followers to take on leadership roles, and those willing to answer His call are usually the ones who have been paying attention and learning from those who came before them. Good followers know when it is time to take charge, and they do so with humility and grace. They also know they cannot follow forever; eventually, they will be called on to lead in their own right. 

By answering God's call to leadership, good followers ensure that His work continues even after they are gone.

With Crime Rampant, Who Will Help You? (Video)

In today's world, it seems like crime is everywhere. You can't turn on the news without seeing reports of people being robbed, attacked, or even killed. 

With such a high level of violence, it's no wonder that many people are hesitant to step in and help someone who is in trouble. After all, why put yourself at risk when there is no guarantee that you will be able to make a difference? 

However, I believe that it is still important to try to help others, even if the odds are not in your favor. 

By standing up to violence and trying to make a difference, we send a message that we will not be intimidated by those who seek to harm us. We also show that we are capable of compassion and bravery, even in the face of great danger. 

So the next time you see someone who needs help, don't hesitate to step in and offer a hand. Who knows? You might just make a world of difference.

Somewhere You Forgot

You may have forgotten who woke you up this morning, but somewhere deep down, you know who it was. 

He is the one who brought you out of the darkness and into the light. He is the one who got you through your past trials and temptations. He is the one who healed you when you were broken. He is the one who gave you a sound mind. You may have forgotten Him, but He will never forget you. He will always be there for you, no matter what. 

So don't forget Him. Don't forget who He is and what He's done for you. Without Him, you would be lost.

And Satan Was Watching

Satan watched as Tom walked down the street from his perch atop a nearby building. He had been following Tom for days, ever since he had first learned of the man's plan to give his life to God. It was a foolish plan and one that Satan was determined to thwart. 

He would do whatever it took to keep Tom from completing his journey to the church.


Many people think apologizing is only necessary when someone has directly wronged them. However, this view fails to consider the importance of personal responsibility. 

An apology is not just a way to make amends for someone else's actions; it is also a way to take ownership of one's own role in a situation. By apologizing, even when we are not directly at fault, we acknowledge our part in the situation and take responsibility for our actions. In doing so, we can help to diffuse tension, build bridges, and create a more positive environment for everyone involved. 

So next time you find yourself in a difficult situation, don't wait for someone else to apologize first. Take the initiative and apologize for your own part in the situation. You may be surprised at how much it helps to resolve the issue.

God's Book of Promise for Men

You will find hundreds of Bible promises in this book that will help you live victoriously. 

The Bible provides guidance, hope, and encouragement - whether you're dealing with life issues related to burnout, work, temptation, insecurity about your future, or doubts about your faith. You can take comfort in knowing you can count on God in any situation. All you need to do is ask him for help, and he will be there for you. 

So start your day by reading one of these inspiring promises from God. It's a great way to focus your thoughts on the positive and set yourself up for a successful day. 

Trusting in God's promise will give you the strength and courage to face whatever challenges come your way.